Founded two decades ago out of Gig Harbor, Washington, we formed Harbor Asphalt after witnessing critical elements lacking in our division of the construction industry. Specifically, too many roadwork companies have an “in-and-out” mentality, and customer service and project quality was suffering. This was (and still is in some places) to the point where people are not happy with their project investments, putting a bad name on our corner of the industry. We wanted to change this.
From the start, our team at Harbor Asphalt focuses on customer service and extreme quality. With complex processes and requirements in the services we offer, we look at the entire project picture to ensure that our customers are covered with every step necessary to have a project last its required lifetime.
Another guiding principal for our team is that we don’t just get the job done, we get it done right. This goes beyond the critical details of finishing a project with extreme quality. Getting the job done right means every job receives the same level of service (no matter how big or small), and means that we are choosing responsible materials while reclaiming the wast that we generate to be used in other applications. Its this full circle of service and sustainability that helps Harbor Asphalt (and our customers) do our part for the environment.
Over 20 years from our inception, Harbor Asphalt has grown beyond paving and asphalt into a full-service land contracting company that offers the following:
Asphalt & Concrete (where it all started)
- Asphalt Roadways, Parking Lots & Driveways
- Asphalt Overlays
- Seal Coating
- Patching
- Asphalt Grinding
- Road Striping
- Concrete Driveways & Patios
- Stamped Concrete
Dirt Works
- Excavation
- Tree Removal
- Infill & Hauling
- Drainage
- Site Prep (up to utility install)
- Rockery
- Retaining Walls
Construction Trucking & Logistics
We thank you in advanced for the opportunity to bid your projects, and are grateful for the many customers throughout Pierce County, Washington who have helped us grow and provide jobs throughout our region.
Humbly paving the way,
Brad Toppen, CEO
Jobs done right.

While many say it, being “perfectionists” runs true for every job we do. We take extreme pride in the projects we complete and deliver the quality of work that we would want for ourselves.
Our Team

Our crews work hard, and then play hard. This is a philosophy we have for life and its allowed our teams to last for years, offering exceptional experience in every service area we offer.